Many people do not spend time thinking about a flower garden design. When the name comes to mind, they start digging and planting trees at random in the hope that they will bloom properly. But this is not true. Things can be totally different from what I imagined it would be. Like any garden design, garden design approval must also be properly planned so that your garden is beautiful. In this article we will discuss the main steps to design a flower garden.
site analysis
This is the inspection of the factory for the types of plants that can survive. You should inspect their land to assess fertility. If there are different areas of your garden that shadows and light, then you need to see what kind of plants can be put on. After all, beauty is not the only goal of the design of the garden. You also need to have healthy plants.
Basic sketch
It is a good idea to sketch the design of your flower garden on a piece of paper. This will help you have a clearer idea of your garden. You will be able to have a clearer idea of its shape and size, the type of plants that will be there and the combination of plants that look good together. For example, you can put together roses and shrubs. Vegetables can be a separate entity and can not be a source of water in the center. You can even put in a bird feeder.
Different plants require different amounts of space. For example, roses need a lot of space. And it is difficult to grow cucumbers and squash as their vines could disturb surrounding plants.
Butterflies and birds
This ratio is another important thing to keep in mind if you create a garden. Would you like birds and butterflies to your garden? If so, why? Do you have a bird feeder? Butterflies are attracted to certain types of plants. Discover them. Then you need to locate where these plants look good. Even that is a job that requires a lot of thought into it.
While these are some of the things that are important in designing a flower garden, it is not all. There are many other nuances that you will be able to think instead of drawing a plan for a garden design of flowers and working on it.